Fit for Work
Fit For Work - Wurkplace Blog

Fit for Work

As an employer, you know how damaging employee absence can be to the business. This is where you can benefit from the fit for work scheme.

When people become ill their return to work is often influenced by how the person feels about that illness. This is why two people that are off off with the same diagnosis may respond differently to returning to work. This is why access to expert advice is important.

Statistics show, there are still too many people falling out of work and onto the benefit system as a result of ill health; once on sickness benefits they may find that their health will worsen resulting in a downward spiral into longer-term poverty.

The fit for work scheme is designed to support people in work with health conditions and help with sickness absence. It was rolled out on a phased basis over a period of months, and GPs are now able to refer nationwide, where you can refer too.


The two elements for Fit for Work are:

  1. Free, expert and impartial work-related advice via the fit for work website and telephone line
  2. Referral to an occupational health professional for employees who have been off sick or who are likely to be off sick for four weeks

The occupational health professional will identify obstacles preventing the employee from returning to work and produce a return to work tailored to the employee’s needs.

Call 0330 400 5490 and speak to a consultant today, or fill out our useful online contact form.

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