The Gender Pay Reporting Regulations are due to come into force in April 2017 and will apply to business with 250 or more staff. From the commencement date, employers will have 12 months to publish the report. Employers should also be conscious that they may have to include data from April 2016 onwards. This means that understanding gender pay gap reporting is a necessity.
The figures from the reports must be published onto the businesses website where they should stay for 3 years to show progress. Supporting evidence should be submitted annually to the government.
Other figures that need to be reported with the gender pay gap:
- Gender bonus gap
- Proportion of men and women receiving bonus
- Proportion of men and women working at each quartile of the organisation pay distribution
Company policies to review to help address the pay gap:
- Bullying and Harassment
- Equality and Inclusion
- People Development
- Enhanced paternity leave and equalised shared parental leave entitlement
- Flexible working
The new gender pay reporting is an attempt to address the methodical issues of the gender pay gap. There are speculations that this will put more strain on employers already dealing with salary costs with the new National Living Wage. As an employer, if you’re worried of the implications or would like assistance managing this, call 0330 400 5490 or submit a call back request.

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As a leader, he is able to steer a company to the most profitable direction while also implementing its vision, mission and long term goals. Additionally, he has strong crisis management skills to “save” companies in times of need.