Online Training Courses Duty Of Care Training Course

Duty Of Care Training Course

Complete and Comprehensive Online Training Support

Wurkplace offers Duty of Care training courses to UK based businesses.

A duty of care is the requirement that all health and social care professionals, and organisations providing health and care services, must put the interests of service users first. Working in the health and social care sector involves working with lots of different people with a variety of needs, dependencies, backgrounds and wishes. As a care worker, you have a duty of care towards all the people you are involved with, during your working hours. This means you have to employ a reasonable level of care, to ensure they are kept safe from harm, abuse and injury.

This course will give you an introduction to the concept of duty of care, cover how duty of care affects your work, what to do if you come across a duty of care dilemma and where to go for support or advice along with some practical examples of duty of care situations.

Duty Of Care Training Modules

Recommended System Requirements For Online Abrasive Wheels Training

Duration: 50 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

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