Companies undergo audits for many different reasons. Wurkplace professionals have worked together to create a Safety Audit Checklist.
Health and Safety Policy
If you have 5 or more staff then your policy statement is mandatory and your policy should show a clear commitment to health, safety & welfare. The health and safety responsibilities and arrangements should be stated clearly for everyone to understand and follow. These should then be communicated to employees and you should keep a record of how best to do so.
Risk Assessment
Risk assessments must be taken so risks can be identified, measured and prevented. These are mandatory if you have 5 or more staff and you must keep a record of these findings. From the assessments you need to be able to give evidence of control measures being put in place as far as reasonably practicable in terms of time, money and effectiveness.
Accidents & Incidents
Accidents happen all the time and you have a duty of care. You must ensure that you have adequate arrangements for first aid materials, trained first aiders and a record book in place. You need to communicate with your employees to make these arrangements made well known to them in cases of emergency. Any recurring incidents that are recorded should be assessed.
Any training that has been taken place by employees should be recorded. This should give you a guide on where there are gaps in their knowledge and when training should be re-done. Upon recruitment, employees should be given a proper induction and any necessary training before setting them with tasks. Go here for more information on what training Wurkplace can offer.
Work Equipment, Machinery and PPE
Are the appropriate standards met when providing machinery, work equipment and PPE? Are you getting optimum performance out of your machinery and PPE through excellent procedures and policies? Risk assessments should be carried out to determine any control measures and guards that should be put in place.
Emergencies & Fire
It’s a legal requirement for employers to make sure there are sufficient amount of trained fire marshals in the workplace to ensure the maintenance of:
- Alarms
- Extinguishers
- Escapes
- Preventative measures
Employees & Records
You should keep a record of your employees paperwork. This includes any training they may have undergone, any medical reports, any assessments, etc. This ensure that in necessary cases you will have all of the information you need. Go here for information on how the HR Management System can give your business an advantage.
If this Safety Audit Checklist has left you wanting to know further details about our Health and Safety Services or you would like further expert knowledge, one of our experts can visit your premises and provide you with a gap analysis on your existing Health and Safety Policies and Procedures. Call 01352 871053 for further information or contact us via our form.

An experienced Director who controls and oversee all business operations, people and ventures. Responsible for the overall success of the business.
As a leader, he is able to steer a company to the most profitable direction while also implementing its vision, mission and long term goals. Additionally, he has strong crisis management skills to “save” companies in times of need.