Tips for Quality Control and Project Management
Quality Control and Project Management

Tips for Quality Control and Project Management

Good quality control and project management procedures are essential in ensuring that your service is up to par. Today, we’ll be breaking down some techniques and tips on improving both.

Quality Control

Quality Control are the activities that are used to evaluate whether your product or service meets the quality requirements. It involves setting standards about how much variation is acceptable.

Some of the tools and techniques for quality control are as follows:

  • Cause and Effect Diagram
  • Control Chart
  • Flow Chart
  • Pareto Chart
  • Histogram
  • Run Chart
  • Scatter Diagram
  • Statistical Sampling
  • Inspection

The purpose of the testing is to determine any needs for corrective actions in the manufacturing process. Good quality control helps companies meet consumer demands for better products and helps keep costs down.

Testing at the various stages of manufacturing helps identify where a production problem is occurring and the steps it requires to prevent it in the future.


Quality Control Inspectors

Quality control inspectors protect the consumer from defective products and/or services and the company from damage to its reputation due to poor manufacturing processes.

If the testing process reveals issues with the product, the inspector can fix the problem themselves, return the product for repairs, or identify the product for rejection.

When issues arise, the inspector notifies supervisors and works with them to correct the problem.


Tips for improving quality
  1. Define Quality Standards / amount of variation.
  2. Determine which steps in the process you want to improve.
  3. Train employees not just the quality control officer. This helps employees watch for signs of abnormalities. They will feel more empowered and valuable to your business, which may improve their work and reduce errors.
  4. Utilise technology to detect errors or variations and fix them without human interaction to allow a more efficient process which will then reduce costs.
  5. Invest and upgrade equipment. You may need to replace outdated equipment that constantly breaks or produces defective products.
  6. Keep work areas clean and obstruction free. To keep things running smoothly and efficiently it is important to maintain a clean facility.
  7. Consider documenting and putting up some cleaning procedures, guidelines and if they have been completed. If you don’t, your expectations may not be met.


Advantage of quality control

Trained inspectors carry out the Quality Control duties. These inspectors may better placed to find widespread problems across an organisation. This means that they should be more equipped when looking for any risks to quality and when fixing them rather than an untrained individual doing this.


Disadvantages of quality control

With a quality control inspector in place, individuals are not necessarily encouraged to take responsibility for the quality of their own work which may cause issues with the quality of the product or service. This can be an issue with growing technical or manufacturing companies where staff rely heavily on their supervisors.

Rejected product is expensive. Some rejected products can be re-worked or remodelled; However, this is not the case in many industries. Either way, rejects incur more costs.

If defect levels are very high, the company’s profitability will suffer unless steps are taken to tackle the root causes of the failures.


Quality control versus quality assurance

Quality control is about evaluating whether the product of your project meets the quality standards.

Now, Quality Assurance is about ensuring that a product is produced correctly. It is proactive and concerned about the processes and activities during the products development.


Project Management

Project management is the process in which a project is planned, tracked, controlled, and reported. Each project has a specific start date and end dat


When do you use project management?

Projects are separate from business-as-usual activities and occur when an organisation wants to deliver a solution to set requirements within an agreed budget and timeframe.

Projects require a team of people to come together temporarily to focus on specific project objectives.


What are the phases of Project Management?

You should follow 4 phases for successful Project Management:

  1. Initiation phase – this phase is initially to understand the goals, scope, risks, and priorities of a project.
  2. Planning phase – identify project activities and required resources. Within this phase project managers should also create an estimated timeline required to complete the project.
  3. Execution phase – Skilled team members then work together or alone to implement and conduct the task. Project managers then track project progress.
  4. Closure phase –  conclude the project, analyse project performance, and dissolve.


What are the core aspects of Project Management you should follow?

The core components of project management are:

  • defining the reason why a project is necessary
  • capturing project requirements, specifying quality of the deliverables, estimating resources and timescales
  • preparing a business case to justify the investment
  • securing corporate agreement and funding
  • developing and implementing a management plan for the project
  • leading and motivating the project delivery team
  • managing the risks, issues and changes on the project
  • monitoring progress against plan
  • managing the project budget
  • maintaining communications with stakeholders and the project organisation
  • provider management
  • closing the project in a controlled fashion when appropriate


Advantages of Project Management
  • Efficient Goal Setting
  • Improved Communication
  • Greater Customer Satisfaction
Disadvantages of Project Management
  • High Costs hiring a project manager and software
  • Sometimes, project management leaves little or no room for creativity

Need support?

If you’re struggling to ensure quality of product or service, or if you’re struggling to manage your project, get in touch. Wurkplace provide a number of services, including training. You can use our online form, or call us on: 0330 400 5490.


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